Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Almost 21 Weeks

We received the DVD of our 18 week scan last week and to say we LOVE it is an understatement! We can’t stop watching it, to see our baby moving around in there is so exciting! Every body that comes to the house I make watch the whole 10 minutes while I stand next to the TV and point things out!!! (That’s the leg, that’s the foot, look at the heartbeat) Poor people!

We are going to dinner tomorrow night to see some great friends, we met through our blog, they have the most beautiful little girl who was born through surrogacy in India, it is so nice to have there support and to have them so close is great. Guess what? We will be taking the DVD with us to show them!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm so glad all is looking well at 18 weeks. Can u share some of the vid with us? I'd love to see it.

    Any guess re the gender?


  2. and of course, glad everything is good at 21 weeks too. How time flies! xxx

  3. Being a proud parent is already guys seem like naturals!

  4. So jealous that you get video, but equally as happy that things are progressing along nicely. Congratulations!

  5. I can just picture you now standing beside your TV pointing out all the bits and pieces - soooooooooooo cute! Excellent news and so glad everything is progressing smoothly! You guys are going to be fantastic parents!!!!!! We look forward to watching your DVD!
    love CJAM

  6. Much better than slides of a holiday to Lake Wakkachunka. It seems like you only just announced your pregnancy and now here you are at 21 weeks. Yipppeeeeee!!!

  7. Wow, that is so great that they sent you a DVD. It is wonderful that everything is going so smoothly for you this time. I hope you have a great dinner. Its so neat to be able to talk to people who have gone through the process.

  8. Sounds like you guys need to get this DVD turned into a mini movie feature!

    Great to hear things are going smooth......November here you come!

  9. Fantastic! How exciting for you to have a DVD of your little one! Wish we could be there with you to share your excitement.
    Keep bringing on the good news.
    Love and miss you both XXX

  10. Tick Tock...time starts to move faster as each week passes!!!! Glad to hear everything is smooth sailing.

  11. How exciting. :-)

  12. I had the pleasure of watching a few minutes of the DVD, very exciting stuff. Can't wait to hear more at the next update (bring on 23 weeks!). Danny
